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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Rovonn Russell
2/19/2016  12:32 PM

AJAX, ON: The Big Boys face off | Week 4 Recap

Week 4 was the best night yet, A lot of anticipation and trash talking and the two Undefeated teams went head to head. The Monstars vs The Moose.

Game 1: 7pm - The Moose vs Monstars
Game 2: 8pm - Storm vs The Six
Game 3: 9pm - The North vs Jax
Game 4: 10pm - Rainmen vs Spartans

Game 1
Right off the bat the the two big boys of the league, The Moose and Monstars faced off head to head. The gym was packed and there was shouting and emotional flying all over the place. Urbino Luna led The Monstars in this one, keeping his team controlled and contributing with the most points. He finished with 10 pts. As the game went on The Moose continually do what they do best and got in The Monstars Head. Cienna Walker was the MVP of the night scoring the most with 13 points and helping her PG Adam Ali facilitate the team. The Game finished 44 - 35 for The Moose.

Game 2
The Six have been looking for a win for a while now battling various games down to the wire and only losing by a couple points to other teams. The Storm's Ali Saleh and Dominick Philippe played well and scored half of their teams points, but it wasn't enough. The dynamic duo Anthony Irispen and Jeron Kerr went to work this game scoring 18 pts and 12 points respectively. Jeron also did what he does best pulling in 13 rebounds giving the Storm barely any second chances. The Six beat Storm 49 - 43 giving them their first win of the season.

Game 3
Another team to get their first win of the season was The Jax. The Jax recently picked up big man Mark Otto and showed the difference in this game. The regular high scored Rajendra Singh for The North finished with a big game of 24 points with Jawad Ahmed dropping 14 pts. The Jax however had Anthony Allison and Mark Otto grabbing every rebound out there and both droping 10 points, Andrew Clarke leading the team scoring 21 pts and Ted Falcon hitting easy open threes due to the traffic down low and finished with 16 points. It was hard for The North to keep up and end up losing to The Jax 64 - 54.

Game 4
Game 4 was a very intense game. Both the Rainmen and Spartans are well rounded with quick guards and three point shooters. The Spartan's Trio King-David Amoako, Tyrell Atkins and Brendan Dehaney played well but the Rainmen had too much quickness and tenacity. The Rainmen had two key pick ups this week PG Justin Jarret and Andre Chung. Both showed what they can do today helping the Rainmen with their win. Andre finished with 11 points and Peter Okalebo had the game high of 12 points. The Rainmen beat the Spartans 53 - 48.

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