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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Michael Harrington
6/17/2011  2:20 PM

FASHION: Detroit's Mike Harrington shares his UH fashion tips | Which fashion type are you?

How is your UH fashion game?

By Mike Harrington [@MrShinysuit97] - Ultimate Hoops Detroit

Fashion is one the many industries to be an ever changing. The style from last year is never the style for this year. Some styles even change with the seasons. For basketball, the clothes may have changed but the look of a basketball player has not.

Below you will find just a guide to looking your best evening when you are not playing your best on the court. These are just suggestions and not the basketball uniform code requirements for basketball fashion during a pick-up game.

1. When wearing a jersey, always choose a jersey of a team you played for. Reppin’ someone else’s jersey unless it’s a throw back is not a good look.

2. Baggy is the preferred look for clothing. Shorts should come to the top of the knee at minimum. T-shirts can be tight only if you put in work on the weights.

3. Hats are never allowed at anytime! [unless it's this]

4. Clothes and shoe attire should never look like you are doing a photo shoot for GQ magazine. NO dress socks, collard shirts, Prada, Gucci, or Versace allowed.

5. Clothing should be of basketball apparel. No jean shorts, swimming trunks, or NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS jerseys.

6. Accessories should be limited to three pieces. Accessories should be symmetrical unless wearing one arm sleeve on your shooting arm. No cross sports accessories, volleyball knee pads are for volleyball not basketball.

7. Shirts should always be un-tucked. Tucked shirts only look good when league play is involved.

8. Eyewear should be bought as is not assemble at home. For example goggles are a good fit. Your glasses tied with shoe laces or string is a problem.

Here are some ready made kits if you need more help to find your style on the court.

Old School

- Throw back jersey
- Symmetrical accessories
- Headband a must
- Socks above the calf
- Nothing flashy

Brand Loyalty

- Jersey, shorts and shoes are color and brand coordinated
- Shoes are immaculate
- Black socks are better

The Trendsetter

- Shorts and shirts are baggy
- Shorts fall at least 1 inch below the knee
- Elite socks for added touch
- Something is ripped, cut, or altered to show style

Which of these three types best represent your on-court style?

Related: Make sure to vote in our Facebook Page Poll of who is the most fashionable player in Ultimate Hoops.

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