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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Joseph Kassis
6/8/2015  10:45 PM

COMMERCE REC: The "What If" Scenario

Clyde Lang & Kenneth Gilbert Thinking "What If" They Can Win A Championship

What if the Earth were twice as big? What if you only ate one type of food? What if athletes were all the same? What if you could not foul out? What if the Portland Trailblazers would have drafted Michael Jordan instead of Sam Bowie?

These are all questions that you can ask yourselves everyday. The most famous questions people ask in the sports world is, what if I never got injured or what if this player was never traded? So I sat down and thought to myself, what if every player on every team showed up to every game in Ultimmate Hoops? Who would be the most dominant? That might be one of the hardest questions ever!

If every player on every team showed up to every game, and were in their prime then this league could probably get some TV time. Out of the 8 teams in Ultimate Hoops Commerce Rec, if every player showed up on every team, 6 of those 8 teams would be must watch every week.

Its kind of fun to play the "What If" game. Sometimes we just wish it was a reality more than a dream. If C4 had everybody show up every game and in their prime who knows how many more championships they would have. Same with the Sons of Basketball, except their biggest challenge is showing up in big games. As in playing a good game, it seems like the bigger the game the smaller they play. An even better example would be Hit Squad. If all of their key players showed up every game and were healthy they would probably go undefeated and win multiple championships, but who knows.

This will just be a question that remain in limbo. What if players got fined for missing games? That would make the league much more interesting. Until then just show up when you can!

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