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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
KJ Mediadarling
5/24/2011  10:46 AM

All in the family

All in the family

Contrary to popular belief, I’m not an only child.

Just the only girl in my family. The perfect middle child, if you will.

You know, sugar and spice and everything nice on my way to becoming the favorite daughter.

As such, my May has been jammed packed with drives back to North Dakota and family events gearing up towards my little brother’s wedding* this weekend.

In total, I’ve probably logged more time with the Greenwood clan in the past 30 days than I have in the last two years.

And, while I don’t always spend the time with them that I should, I adore those fools. I’m lucky to have them claim me**.

Because as the old saying goes, ‘You can’t pick your family.’

It applies to all things under the sun and virtually any relationship imaginable. I believe my father said it to me every time I tried to box my brothers in the ears (or vice versa***).

And, even if participation in group sports is optional, it seems you can’t pick your teammates either.

Over the years, we’ve seen family-like relationships work out in the NBA – Scottie and MJ, KG and Ray Allen and Leandro Barbosa and Reggie Evans.

Sometimes, the locker room isn’t a friendly place. We’ve seen that, too, with Kobe and Shaq, OJ Mayo and Tony Allen, Ron Artest and Ben Wallace.

Even the players union and the league don’t ever see eye-to-eye.

Which got me thinking, is the world of Ultimate Hoops like a family? Or, is it more like the NBA – dog eat dog and all that jazz?

I already know you guys are loyal to a fault to your teams and would cut a man for overstepping his bounds or calling out your teammates.

But would you catch a grenade for them?

A better question, if you could steal away any player from any other Ultimate Hoops team or league across the country, which player would you add to your roster****?

I’ll be all dolled up in yellow satin this weekend patiently awaiting your answers in the comments below.

See you post-holiday right here next Tuesday at

* There’s still time to back out, Egghead. I love me some Heidi but marriage—yikes!
** For the record, I’ve done some things we’re all not proud of.
*** I’m scarred for life. Those boys were mean!
**** I know y’all are scoping out everyone else’s talent.

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