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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Borin Ngov
3/2/2015  9:23 PM

SCOTTSDALE, AZ: All Star Game | Vote and Let Your Voice be Heard

Delonn Stevenson (XOVER) leads the list of many All Stars we have in this league

Below are the five players I feel deserve to be on the team. There are others that are deserving of being discussed; it’s just that these players are the ones that stood out the most to me.

Delonn Stevenson - XOVER (37.5 PPG, 50.4 PRA, 37.6 PPR)
Delonn has taken the league by storm. There aren’t many that can come into this league and straight up dominate like he has this season. His is arguably one the best player in the league and the numbers show it. His aggressive play and smooth shooting is matched only by his trash talking. Once he gets going and gets into his groove, he is damn near impossible to stop. He has electrified XOVER and took them from middle-of-the-pack to legit title contenders. This team has great pieces all around but it’s obvious that Delonn is the engine that makes this team go.

Fred Dudley - SPLASHBROTHERS (21.0 PPG, 42.0 PRA, 31.7 PPR)
Fred’s took a back seat earlier in the year in regards to the scoring department so his numbers may not look as impressive as in years past, but what sets this perennial MVP apart from others is his basketball IQ. He knows what his team needs and is the veteran leader many teams lack. If they need rebounds, he drops low and can get 15 easily. He takes it upon himself to facilitate and get others going early. His place among the stars in this league is undeniable. He can dominate at different facets of the game. Case in point – in the last game of the regular season he dropped one of the most ridiculous stat lines I’ve seen in years….2 points, 20 rebounds, and 30 assists.

Danny Dziezic - TIMELIFERS (33.1 PPG, 44.9 PRA, 29.7 PPR)
Danny has followed up on his MVP season from last year with an even more impressive stat line - upping his scoring by nearly 5 PPG. He is truly one of the best shooters in the league (fourth in the league in scoring). His herky-jerky style and quick release makes him so hard to guard against - you know he’s going to pull up but he gets you off balance and has his way with you in that regard. The TIMELIFERS are having a bit of a down season this year but he is still as good as it gets.

Roberto Diver - SPLASHBROTHERS (30.7 PPG, 43.1 PRA, 36.1 PPR)
We can now add a broken rim to his resume. We all knew it was coming because Roberto is easily most physical and athletic players in the league. Roberto flat out dominates inside whenever he chooses to and once he gets low in the block, it’s a guaranteed highlight dunk. There are not many teams that have the size that can match up to him which makes him a matchup nightmare against every team he plays against.

Eli Davis - TWISTED STEEL WITH SEX APPEAL (27.7 PPG, 38.2 PRA, 22.7 PPR)
Eli is one of the most unsung players in the league but make no mistake about it, he is one of the most talented players we have. He has both the outside game to match rugged inside game. He has a high, smooth shot and when he gets going, he can score in bunches. His team has struggled throughout the season and hasn’t won much but he has done his part to keep this team afloat.

The rest is now left up to you to vote in the remaining representatives. PLEASE VOTE HERE

The complete Playoff Bracket schedule is posted under the TEMPE Schedule

All Star Game will be held on Thursday March 12th @ 8PM following the Championship Game in Tempe.

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