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Ultimate Hoops League News
Robert Berishaj
10/6/2014  6:23 PM

SHELBY VET: A Long Time Coming

With Saturday's match up between the last two teams standing of the Shelby Veterans League, the Nets knew it was a perfect opportunity for them to win a championship over Already Home.

At tipoff, Already Home had momentum from just coming off a big win against a tough Pistons team. But, when the game started, the Nets put there feet on the gas pedal and never let up. Vaughan Gray and Dequan Wilson were hot from the jump, from knocking down mid-range shots to long three balls. Also stepping up for the Nets was Irv McAllister and Jason Pitts who knew what to do when they had the ball in there hands. New Jersey had control of the game going up by 18 points, then suddenly Already Home did what they do best, made there run and cut the lead to 4 points. But that would be close as they would get as New Jersey continue to step up there game going on to win the game and the summer league championship.

For those who don't know, Dequan Wilson has been playing in the Shelby Veterans League since it started back in the fall of 2010. He won his first championship game in the winter 2011, being the only player from that team to continue playing from then to now through all the turmoil, ups and downs. He has watched year after year, season after season, opposing teams win championships that he was close to or not even making the post season. Dequan had a vision this season and he built on it. He went after a great scoring guard who is knew to the Veterans League, Vaughan Gray, but not knew to the game. With Vaughan's speed, scoring ability, and knowledge of the game, Dequan knew he had to have him. He also went after a long time teammate Irv McAllister who took a couple seasons off. With those additions and returning long time teammate, Jason Pitts, Dequan said he was ready this season. He stated: "I knew this was our season when we played the team to beat (The Pistons) and won respectively." He also went on saying that he's overwhelmed with winning the trophy and is going to cherish this moment, because it's been a long time coming. We were also able to talk with Jason Pitts after the win who said that he's greatful to have won this championship and happy that his dedication paid off.

They both left with saying they're going to cherish the moment for now, but not too long because we now have the bullseye on our back and we have to be ready to defend our title.

Good work fellas, you all deserve it.

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