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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
J.D. Hunter Jr.
1/10/2014  9:52 AM

I'm McKinsey Golfin, and This Is How I Play

Golfin says he like to scout other teams on game nights

We wanted to know how the reigning Detroit MVP McKinsey Golfin balances his UH life living in Detroit. So we asked him.

What time do you get up on UH game days?

It depends. I play in 2 different leagues. So during the week I'm working then going to game afterwards. On Saturdays, I wake up at 9am at the earliest.

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Start thinking about our opponent.

What does your game day breakfast meal consist of?

Usually an apple when I get to the gym.

Do you do anything differently at your day job on game days?

I sometimes eat a light lunch consisting of a half sub. I will leave early to get to the gym to scout the game before ours.

My usual pre-game meal is…

A Tuna sub from Subway.

How soon after your game do you check ?

I don't usually check the stats until a day or two later.

What do you like to do after your game to wind down?

I'm usually in the hot tub/steam room for treatment. Then home to watch TV.

What is on your pre-game music playlist?

Various songs from various artists such as Lil Wayne, Drake, Big Sean to name a few.

Any crazy superstitions on game day you must adhere to?

Not really. Just as long as I stretch before, I'm good.

What do you pack in your UH Game Day duffle bag?

Uniform, shoes, tights, knee braces, Band-Aids, muscle supplements, and my iPod.(laughing).

In the few hours after work and before my UH game I like to….

Watch the other UH games leading up to mine.

When I arrive at Life Time Fitness on game night, my usual dress attire consists of...

Khakis and a button down/polo if I'm coming from work. If I'm not working, then some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Any tips or tricks you are willing to share?

I can't give away my best tips but one I'm willing to share is stay consistent with your game.

I would love to have _____ answer these questions.

Jason Sawinski


I'm Adam Winters, and This Is How I Play Nov. 3, 2013
I'm Adam Boxer, and This Is How I Play Nov. 3, 2013
I'm Travis Scribner, and This Is How I Play Nov. 3, 2013
I'm Ivery Bell, and This Is How I Play Oct. 25, 2013
I'm Ben Sokolsky, and This Is How I Play Oct. 17, 2013
I'm Junius Ho, and this is How I Play Oct. 11, 2013

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