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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Joe Cardello
12/6/2013  4:37 PM

SYOSSET, NY: Ed Tierney - Ultimate Hoops Tycoon

Ultimate Hoops Northeast pose with Alan Arlt at the Montvate Club Grand Opening

This week Ultimate Hoops Northeast Regional Director Ed Tierney made the decision that it would be best for him to leave Ultimate Hoops and move onto a different job within Life Time. Nobody can blame Ed for making this decision because he is doing what is best for him. While this is a great move for Ed, it leaves UH Northeast without a great Regional Director. Ed started out as League Coordinator in Syosset and eventually moved up to regional director last October. During his time in a leadership role with U Hoops, Ed has taken Syosset, and the Northeast region and transformed it into a quarterly favorite for the Ultimate Hoops Artistry Award, with Syosset winning the first two quarters in 2013, and optimistic for a third win when the announcements are made next week.

Talking to some of the players around the Syosset Leagues, the sentiment was the same all over, that Ed will be missed greatly. When talking with Old Skool’s Adam Boxer, a player in the Syosset Leagues since they started, Adam said, “The leagues transformed when Ed took over. He understood that the players wanted to be heard, and always treated everyone with respect and patience, even if they didn’t treat him the same way”. When asked about Ed’s impact on the league itself, Adam said, “Its been taken to the next level, with the videos, pregame shows, post game interviews, and the content on Facebook and Twitter”.

Mike Clifford, who plays in both leagues, on UnStuck in the Open League and Road House in the Vets League, echoed Boxer’s thoughts. Mike added, “Ed was very dedicated and put 110% into the league and his work and it reflected on how well the league and website was run and operated. His dedication rubbed off on the rest of the U Hoops Syosset basketball staff and made the league very enjoyable to be a part of. I'm sure Ed will be just as successful in his next endeavor at Life Time.” Mike also wishes Ed good luck on his future endeavors within Life Time.

Open League's Paul Longo of the Knicks said, “Ed was a dedicated guy and he was always working very hard. His enthusiasm made game days fun and U Hoops will definitely miss him.”

Ultimate Hoops Northeast will definitely miss Ed as the regional director, but everyone in Syosset both in the leagues and around the club wish Ed the best of luck with his new job.

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