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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
J.D. Hunter Jr.
11/15/2013  5:10 AM

I'm Adam Boxer, and This Is How I Play

You won't find many players as passionate about Ultimate Hoops than Syosset's Adam Boxer. The UH Veterans Division Champion is always working on building his Old Skool franchise into a UH dynasty. Boxer is also know for his numerous NBA replica jerseys, often sporting a new one at each UH game.

We've been dying to know how Boxer balances his UH life with the real world living in Long Island, NY. So we asked him.

What time do you get up on UH game days?

As its a work day, it would be 6-6:30am.

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Since I usually get woken up by my 4-yr-old son Stevie, the first thing I do is get a hug and kiss from him. Game day requirement!

What does your game day breakfast meal consist of?

Protein filled. Usually eggs & cheese.

Do you do anything differently at your day job on game days?

I am a High School Assistant Principal. I will walk the building more often on game days and definitely stop by the gymnasium for a few free-throws.

My usual pre-game meal is…

For many seasons, it was a Greek salad with grilled chicken but since the beginning of the summer league (Old Skool - Champions) it's changed to Sashimi and rice.

How soon after your game do you check ?

By the time I get home, I am usually checking. I like to see how my next week's opponent performed as we as a statistical breakdown so that I start planning defensive match-ups for the next week.

What do you like to do after your game to wind down?

I usually come home and tell my wife a detailed play-by-play of the game and the highlights. She loves to hear about it. Or drink some cherry juice, water and watch some late night sports on television.

What is on your pre-game music playlist?

I have created a few different pre-game playlists on my Ipod. Most of them contain a mix of Big Daddy Kane, other assorted rap, AC/DC and Eminem. I put a lot of care into my pre-game music.

Any crazy superstitions on game day you must adhere to?

DEFINITELY. I select my jersey for the game and pack my entire bag the day before game day. I also dress in the same place before coming to the game. Also, I stretch my hips and legs for 20 minutes prior to each game while watching the earlier game and listening to the pre-game music. I know, I have issues.

What do you pack in your UH Game Day duffle bag?

The selected jersey of the night, wrap and medical tape, water, Gatorade, coconut water, and flip flops.

In the few hours after work and before my UH game I like to….

Relax as much as possible, which means: give my kids dinner, help with homework and depending on the game time, put my son Stevie to bed. OK, then I can relax.

When I arrive at Life Time Fitness on game night, my usual dress attire consists of...

Flip flops, ankle braces, warmup clothes, headphones!

Any tips or tricks you are willing to share?

My team, Old Skool are the defending Veterans Division Champions and we have started the Fall Season 3-0, so I have nothing to say.

I would love to have _____ answer these questions.

Jared Wulfow & David Feinberg.


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