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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
J.D. Hunter Jr.
11/3/2013  8:55 AM

I'm Travis "No Fly Zone" Scribner, and This Is How I Play

Las Vegas UH player Travis Scribner earned his "No Fly Zone" nickname by swatting away opponent's shots who dared to enter the paint. Now #2 on UH's All-Time Blocks List, Scribner is looking for another UH title in Vegas this season.

We've been dying to know how "No Fly Zone" balances his UH life with the real world living Sin City.

What time do you get up on UH game days?

Well game days for me are on a Tuesday so that's a normal work day for me so I'm up anywhere between 5am and 6am depending on how late I was up watching The Walking Dead the night before.

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

The first thing I usually do is curse the basketball Gods for not making me a better ballplayer and forcing me to choose a life in finance that forces me to be up so early.

What does your game day breakfast meal consist of?

My normal weekday breakfast consists of Adderall and Red Bull. Breakfast of Champions for finance nerds everywhere.

Do you do anything differently at your day job on game days?

We have a group text of the guys on are team that goes over game time and who we are playing that quickly devolves into us just making random inside jokes #WereOutHere.

My usual pre-game meal is…

Usually 2 scoops of a pre-workout since I lift weights before I play. It doesn't help my shooting but it does make my arms look great in a jersey. "Suns out, Guns out."

How soon after your game do you check ?

Usually after my 3rd post-game beer.

What do you like to do after your game to wind down?

We've got a pretty close and loose team so after games we hit the steam room then go to the bar and grab a few beers and something to eat. Half-Price Burger Tuesdays, cant beat that!

What is on your pre-game music playlist?

I'm all over the place with that but right now my pregame playlist has been the new Kanye album but you can just as easily catch me rocking out to Katy Perry before a game. I really wish I was joking there.

Any crazy superstitions on game day you must adhere to?

I used to always eat apple sauce before games when I was younger but now not so much. My only pregame ritual is to do some pullups and then take a lap around the second floor to see if any hot girls are working out.

What do you pack in your UH Game Day duffle bag?

Shoes, post game clothes, and my shattered hoop dreams of years gone by.

In the few hours after work and before my UH game I like to….

Watch PTI then get a lift in.

When I arrive at Life Time Fitness on game night, my usual dress attire consists of...

Just normal workout clothes and flip flops.

Any tips or tricks you are willing to share?

1)Take a breath and enjoy yourself out there, it's not the NBA and there aren't any scouts coming. Its a Rec league, we all want to win but have fun. 2) 34-years-old ain't 24-years-old. A lot of times the mind is willing but the body isn't as much as you get older. 3) Don't drive the paint on me because I WILL block you.

I would love to have _____ answer these questions.

To me the one and only Joe "The Rainmaker" Neunfeldt is the only answer to this question.


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