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Ultimate Hoops League News
Junius Ho
3/7/2011  9:18 AM

Ultimate Hoops 2011 Winter Target Center (Unofficial) Power Rankings: Week 7

Kruse keeps dunking and Fridley keeps winning.

Ultimate Hoops 2011 Winter Target Center (Unofficial) Power Rankings: Week 7

Rank (Last Week) | Team | Record | Comment

1 (1) Abe Froman (6-1)
After suffering their first defeat of the season in Week 6, the Abes took their frustration out on the hapless Nets, dropping a league season-high 112 points in addition to recommitting themselves on the defensive end. Only the Wolves stand in the way of a #1 seed now.

2 (2) Team Fridley (5-2)
In the battle for standings supremacy and MVP candidacy, score both as landslide victories for Paris Kyles and Team Fridley. For the third week in a row, Kyles one-upped his own gold standards by achieving the highest PPR of the season. Don’t ask us what that means (as we’re not privy to the closely guarded secrete formula) but know that all records are at risk this week against the Nets.

3 (5) Timberwolves (5-2)
And this is why we play the games. Just one week removed from a questionable two-spot drop on the big board, the Wolves came out of the All-Star Break looking more like the Lakers than their namesake. With Martin at the helm, this team is as organized on both ends as any.

4 (3) The Gauchos (4-3)
Despite having the league’s most impressive winning streak snapped, the Gauchos can likely write off their Week 7 performance as “one of those nights.” Their abysmal shooting from everywhere on the floor is atypical, and we fully expect they’ll find their stroke to close the season.

5 (4) Bravehearts (4-3)
Oh how the mighty have fallen. To say the second half the season has been unkind to these braves would be, well, kind. Three straight double-digit losses to the top half of the leaderboard have forced us to drop them from the ranks of contenders. Is the season salvageable? Stay tuned.

6 (6) Clubbin' Clubbers (2-5)
They doubled their season total in victories simply by showing up in Week 7 and they’ve made giant strides on offense, but unless they can earn a W against one of the big brothers, they’ll simply remain one of the forgotten middle children. An upset in Week 8 would be something none of us would forget.

7 (7) Nets (1-6)
Fresh off their first win of the season, the Nets were back to their old ways: shooting often, missing almost as frequently and playing spectators on defense. For all you stat junkies out there, check out Puckett’s line: 29 points on 9-23 from downtown but 8 turnovers and a PPR of -2.2. Yikes.

8 (8) Grizzlies (1-6)
For the second straight game, the Griz failed to field even four players in what was to be an exciting showdown against the C-squareds. The end of the season can’t come soon enough for those bound by contract to this sinking ship and one thing’s for sure: these guys would never be offered jobs by the US Postal Service (and we can all count our blessings for that).

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