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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Andrew Fogoros
8/12/2015  11:08 AM

WESTMINSTER, CO | With the first pick in the UH fantasy draft...

Over the past couple of months, I've been asked on multiple occasions, "when are we going to have an Ultimate Hoops fantasy league?" My answer is, "in the future." But the Ultimate Hoops fantasy question has always led to the debate of: who would go first in an Ultimate Hoops Westminster fantasy draft?

That question is undoubtedly much different than, "if you were starting a team, who would you take first?" With fantasy leagues, you're trying to build a championship off stats and nothing else. Granted, you need a balanced squad to win your fantasy league, not just guys who score and do nothing else.

I have come up with four categories of fantasy-type players that each team needs to win their fantasy league.

The LeBron James category: guys that fill up the stat sheet. They get you points, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks, free throws, not many get the idea.

The Allen Iverson category: these guys score. They might drop 45 points on 25 shots; they might score 30 points on 30 shots. Regardless of how they're playing, they're going to score.

The DeAndre Jordan category: These are your defensive players. They'll get you offensive and defensive rebounds, blocks, steals and if you're lucky, they'll score some points, too.

The Zach Randolph category: efficiency, efficiency, efficiency. They have the ability to erupt one night, but more often than not, they put up nice numbers, shoot a high percentage, grab some boards and go home. They don't "wow" you, but they are as consistent as can be.

There are obviously many more categories of fantasy players, but these are the big four. Most of the guys in Ultimate Hoops Westminster fit in to these categories, but there are some outliers.

If we started an Ultimate Hoops Westminster fantasy league, here is how, in my opinion, the top ten picks would go. Since this would be considered the first round, most of the players taken fit in to the LeBron James and Allen Iverson categories. Some would consider these guys the stars of the league, and I couldn't disagree with that. (Note: some of these players will be leaving for school this season, but I'm making these picks based on them being around for the entire season.)

1. Michael Skinner
2. Sam Stoveall
3. Beau Barney
4. Richard Peterson
5. Justin Meineke
6. Jared Smith
7. Derek Elliott
8. Eli Ziegler
9. Matt Lloyd
10. Brian Stamer

There are plenty of players left off this list who are very capable of putting up huge numbers. For instance, take a look at Splash City. Every single one of those guys could put up huge numbers if they wanted to, but they spread the wealth. Other guys are more valuable to their team doing the dirty work. They don't need to score, so they'll do what it takes to get the W.

Those are my top ten picks. What are yours?

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