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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Alan Arlt
10/3/2013  11:09 AM

Register for 1st Annual 5-on-5 Mustache Classic Tournament | Nov. 23-24 in Minneapolis

Start growing your 'stache on Nov. 1. Then come play on Nov. 23rd

Hide the razors and shaving cream. The "Clashes Between 'Staches" is coming to Ultimate Hoops in November.

Register your team now for the 1st Annual Ultimate Hoops Mustache Classic on November 23 & 24th in Minneapolis. In support of Movember, start growing your sexy soup strainer on Nov. 1st and share your growth progress via Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #UHMustache during the month. Then unveil your mustache masterpiece at the Mustache Classic Tournament on Nov. 23.

Here's the hairy details in Q & A form.

Where will the tournament be played?

All games will be played at the Bloomington South Life Time Fitness in Minnesota.

Who is eligible to play?

Our Mustache Classic Tourney is open to members and non-members of Life Time Fitness. Out-of-state teams are encouraged and welcomed to travel to Minnesota for the tourney.

What is the cost?

$499 per team plus an additional $20 for every non-member of Life Time Fitness on the roster.

What does the team cost include?

- 8 full (reversible jersey & shorts) official Mustache Classic uniforms (See images at bottom).
- 8 official Mustache Classic headbands and tube socks
- Portions of your team cost will benefit prostate and testicular cancer research through the Movember Foundation.

How do I register my team?

Email us to request an official registration form. Please include "Mustache Classic Registration" in the subject line. First 12 teams to submit their registation forms are in.

What will the level of play be for the tournament?

Tournament is open to all skill levels. Participants must be 18 years or older to play.

Am I required to grow a mustache for the tournament?

No. But in the spirit of Movember, it's highly encouraged.

What is the tournament times and format?

Tournament will be limited to 12 teams on a first to register basis. Pool Play format on Saturday, single-elimination on Sunday. Tentative tourney time is 8am to 7pm on Saturday, Nov 23rd. 8am to 2pm on Sunday, Nov. 24th.

What do the tournament winners receive?

Winners will receive a team trophy and a 2013 Mustache Classic Championship Banner with your team and player names on it that will hang in the Bloomington South Life Time gym for eternity.

Are fans welcome to come and watch?

Yes! Fans are encouraged to come and cheer on their teams. Official Mustache Classic T-shirts (see image of T-shirt at bottom) will be on sale at the event for fans to purchase. Cost of T-shirt is $15 with portions of the proceeds going to the Movember Foundation.

Are there plans to expand the Mustache Classic to more cities in the future?

Yes! In 2014, we plan to expand the Mustache Classic to other cities outside of Minneapolis. Request a city in the comments section.

Is that Ricky Rubio in the tournament promotional campaign?!?

Yes. Thanks to Ricky for his continued support of the Mustache Classic and Ultimate Hoops. (And no, unfortunately due to his NBA commitments, Ricky will not be playing in the tourney.)

Have more questions? Email us or post in the comments section below.

RELATED: Styles to inspire your Mustache Classic Stache

Image of official tournament uniform, headband and socks.

Official Mustache Classic T-Shirts will be on sale for $15 at the tournament.

Official Tournament Flier to share on your favorite social channels

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