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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
KJ Mediadarling
2/22/2011  9:33 AM

KJ MEDIADARLING: I’m adamantly opposed to Title IX

The ladies of Detroit in action last week

Yes, I know adamantly is a strong word.* And no, I’m not against Title IX. It opened up many doors for me as an athlete. What I am opposed to, however, is that there has to be a law that requires equal opportunity for men and women to participate in sports.

Well, and that Title IX started about 100 years too late.

Here’s where you get to hear my opinion (it’s my blog): Powerful women are not the invention of feminism, the Twentieth Century or Title IX. Powerful women are driven by internal passion to be great at what they love doing. And the boys at Ultimate Hoops agree with me.

Last week, as a rookie mistake, I left some powerful women who are passionate about basketball off the blog. Massive, if not epic, fail on my part. I’m here to make amends to the women of Ultimate Hoops Nation. Ladies, I hope you can find it your hearts to forgive me.

Without further ado, here are 10 of the powerful, passionate league leaders for the winter women’s division of Ultimate Hoops:

• Lena Widman

• Valerie Smith

• Alizabeth Caldwell

• Jessica Sitto

• Jackie Maurer

• Anita Deza

• Vanessa Pomaville

• Riva Antoun

• Natalie Abrhiem

• Renee Gagnon

At Ultimate Hoops, we love the ladies—which is why they have their own league where it’s all about them. And no, I’m not talking mani-pedis and lipstick here so listen up. I’m talking all-out, tougher-than-the-guys, don’t-bring-your-mother-to-this-game (unless she can dunk), no-one-forced-us-by-law-to-create-this-league hoops. Don’t believe me, go check their stats, fellas.

I also would like to thank Detroit for representing Ultimate Hoops with its women’s division running out of Life Time Fitness Shelby and Rochester Hills. Rest assured Minnesota will quickly be stepping up its game and joining you. I know that there are more of you passionate basketballers out there, ladies. Where do you think we put the next women’s division league into play?

It’s that time again, so get on with it, trash talkers. I know you’re going to hate on me in the comment section and your criticism is invited. The only thing this woman resents more than being ignored is being denied. I’ve said my peace, what’s yours? Hopefully, it’s a few responses from the great women we have repping UH across the country.

In the meantime, if you’ve got a question about health, fitness, grooming, work, pop culture, nutrition, or basketball, post it in the comments below. I’ll answer your question with help from Life Time’s panel of experts.

*I wonder if Legal is freaking out right now while reading this.

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