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Ultimate Hoops League News
Darian Kearney
11/12/2015  7:14 AM

ATLANTA, GA: PREVIEW WEEK 4 | Are Hamgense Balls Contenders or Pretenders?

Tony Neysmith has been called out. Will he except the challenge?

Hamgense Balls vs. Team Follies 7pm

Last week I was a 45% believer in Team Follies but the blueprint is out on this team and they do not look so superior as once before. The defense on this team is suspect and I am challenging this team to step it up on the defense side of the ball. There is no need to challenge David “I Eat Offense For Breakfrest” Graham because he takes pride in locking his man down. But for the remaining players on this squad you are now being exposed. I hope this team plays man so we can see who is getting embarrassed. Rumor has it that Team Follies are bickering with one another about shot selection as well as the amount of shots a player takes. Losing is a poison and with the first lost of the season last week it seems that Team Follies are developing some cancerous ways. It looks like some of the players on this team are going to get there shots up first, before the ultimate value which is team basketball. This should be interesting, can Team Follies bounce back from last week lost which they feel they are better than Bricklayers or will this be the beginning of this team demises.
Hamgense Balls are rocking and rolling and lead the league in 3pt percentage. I like these group of guys as they play the game the right way. They are shooting lights out and seem to flowing in the right direction. Rumor has it the Mike “ Smooth Criminal” Turner went and got some training and hone in on his work ethic with Greg Barlow. This is a good look as when others are sleeping it seems that Turner is getting his work in. I respect that and it looks like this guy is a MVP candidate. Maybe Turner tore out a page from Frankie “I Love The Game” Ghouchani who is known for the love of the game. Either way Turner seems to be the difference maker in this team being 3-0 or 1-2. The question remains can this team continue to shoot the ball like this throughout the season. This should be a good game in the first half.

Prediction: Hamgense Balls by 14

Enough Said vs. BrickLayers 8pm

I do not know what emotional roller coster Enough Said is on but this team is mentally weak. In last week article I stated that this team will receive two tech fouls and lose by 13 pts. Well the results were they lost by 8 pts. Marcus Brown was ejected from the game and Buck Jenkins received his normal Rasheed Wallace technical foul. This team does not look like the same team who won 3 multiple championships as well as had a 27game winning streak. I have dogged this team out and tried to prove a point that you will not win against the refs. Just play your game and let the game come to you. If you argue every call as well as complain about every little thing you look like a spoil brat who never gets his way. The game should be fun as well as a good workout. But for this team it looks like a game of high blood pressure and headaches.
The Bricklayers are the new kids on the block and look like they are the team that everyone should be looking out for. This team is lead by Juilen “ Step Curry” Wilson and Sterling “Go Dawgs” Whitworth who are both averaging at least 29 ppgs. I am shocked that this team is 2-0 but they are proving to me as well as the rest of the league that they belong. These group of guys play well together and play the game the correct way. I expect the rest of the league to continue to doubt this team. This is what happens when your the new kid on the block. But I must say I am impress with what I see so far.

Prediction: Bricklayers by 13, No Techs by Enough Said

Mike’s Finest vs. Known Shooters 9pm

Known Shooters are 0-3 and look like a team that is uninterested in the game. What do I need to do to light a fire under this team? This team looks like an All-Star team on paper but have not illustrated that on the court. I am calling out Tony “ I Will Dunk On You” Neysmith and Thomas “ Mr. Thanksgiving” Lemon who are the two types of players who can take over any game. But I have not seen that as of late. Both of you need to STEP YOUR GAME UP! What your currently doing is not cutting it and you both are bringing a knife to a gun fight. This is the best league in Atlanta and if you feel that you can just come off the bus and get a win then you both are sadly mistaken. It has become frustrating because I know what these two guys are capable off but they are not honing in on there skills. Work on your game and bring it tonight because I am tired of the disappointment. Shape up or Shape out it’s time to turn things around.
Mike’s Finest is lead by Chris Anderson who went for 49 points last week against Enough Said. This guy was locked in and killed anybody who was in his way. He not only had a monster game but he was not bashing is teammates which he is known to do. He kept to himself and let the game come to him as well as his teammates. This team is much better when Anderson is not breathing down his teammates neck, back and spine. I am impress with this team and the sky is the limit. This team is not quite a championship caliber team as of yet and are missing one or two more key pieces but as of now they are looking superior.

Prediction: Toss Up

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