SHELBY: #NeverRetire | New scoring leader McKinsey Golfin speaks out
McKinsey Golfin broke the UH Scoring record last Thursday
As you all know by now, in his 298th Game in Ultimate Hoops, Mckinsey Golfin became the leading all time scorer in Ultimate Hoops history. Golfin not only an all-time leading scorer but also a champion, winning 8 championships throughout his amazing career here at Ultimate Hoops.
Mckinsey Golfin game defines him as a person. Hard worker,courageous, and never backing down against any challenge. Golfin's presences is appreciative of his peers. His play influences others to strive for the same success as he has had in Ultimate Hoops.
Mckinsey Golfin is the definition of #NeverRetire, as he plans on to continue building his already great reputation and success he has with Ultimate Hoops.