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Ultimate Hoops League News
Tim Allen
1/24/2012  9:35 PM

FRIDLEY, MN: What is wrong with the Celtics?

Can the Celtics turn this season around?

Predictions By Eric Hawkins @conanhawk

4-2 last week, but who would have thought that the Celtics would start out 0-2. This week should go along way to defining how Fridley will look for the rest of the season. We should see a new number one team and the rest of the league get a little more defined.

Cobra Kai vs. Bandits

Last week the Bandits had 18 turnovers versus the Bulls. That stat will have to get much better if they want to win this week. Another thing that goes hand in hand with that stat is getting back on defense. There were too many times that the ball was turned over even just the Bulls got a defensive rebound and beat the Bandits down the floor for an easy bucket. If these things, that can be fixed, are fixed the Bandits have a bright season ahead of them.

Cobra Kai is coming off a tough fought battle with the Ninja Turtles. The game that was tied at the half was close til the end. If they can continue their improved shooting (43% from the field compared to last season 38%) and follow the leadership of their two outstanding point guards this team should turn their season around.

I look for this game to be much closer than the on paper rosters would lead you to believe. When you match up position by position the slight edge goes to Cobra Kai. The key of this game will be who wins the turnover battle. If the Bandits can win or keep that close they could win this game. But that is going to be easier said that done with a team that plays very good defense and has Dustin Dupont.

Cobra Kai by 6

Fob Five vs. Secret Agents

This game should be a game where Fob Five can recollect themselves and establish an identity. It is hard sometimes when you get a new team, even some of you have played together before, to meld on the court. Luckily for Fob Five they are playing the Secret Agents and should be able to get it together this week.

For a team that is one of the more athletic teams in the league they fail to get out on the fast break and get easy bucket and they get beat in transition a ton. If they don't find a way to fix this their 32.5 point average loss margin will only continue to grow as the season goes on.

Fob Five by 25

Ninja Turtles vs. Rip'n

While most of the talk about Rip'n has been about Montrell Yancey, which is fair as he is averaging 20.4 ppg, no one seems to have noticed Anthony Thompson's numbers last week. The A-train had 11, count'em 11, offensive rebounds. If you are going to focus your defense on stopping Yancey you still have to box out Thompson. If teams continue to fail to do this it will be another successful season for the team with many names.

The Turtles got one of their guys back to help their cause last week. This will ease the loss of James Pinkett. Even though the Turtles only have six guys they have four guys that are able to run for 44 minutes if you needed them to. The one thing they might be lacking is a second guy to guard Yancey. The only guy that even comes close to comparing in size and strength to Yancey is Peter Mortenson. But as the Turtles are full of basketball smart guys I'm sure they will find a way to solve this problem.

Turtles by 5

Hand Down... Man Down vs. Noisy Withdrawal

The new look Noisy Withdrawal team is a team to watch out for. They have added some very good players and seem to be turning this long standing franchise around. Beating the Celtics is very impressive but what is also very impressive is how they did it. While the Celtics beat Noisy in almost every single category the main thing that got Noisy the win was their free throws. They got to the line 31 times and turned that into 25 points. For a team that was thought to be a three point shooting team that is really impressive.

Hand Down...Man Down continued the beat down of the Secret Agents that was started by the Bandits in week one. After all that running they are going to have to come to an abrupt halt this week when they come up against Noisy Withdrawal. If they are going to win this game they are going to need to use their big guys and work inside out. That is going to be their best match-ups this week. I say this as HDMD seems to do that for awhile every week then get away from it for some reason later in the game. I think some of this is due to impatience and some of it is because their bigs don't get down the court and get in the post.

If HDMD can get quality shots, limit the possessions for Noisy's shooters and play defense without fouling they will be able to keep this game close. This is a lot to ask from a team that has some problems with playing 100% all the time.

Noisy by 12

Avengers vs. Bulls

This has become the game of the night in my eyes. With the Celtics starting out 0-2 there is the number one spot open for the taking in Fridley. The winner of this game should be the early favorite for that spot.

This could be the best Bulls team that Fridley has seen. They have found some really solid players at every position and have other players that can help carry the load that Roderick Powell has had to carry, for the most part, alone for the last couple of seasons. Offense isn't the only improvement of this team. Adding Kevin Chase and DeAngelo Purnell give this team two very good at the basket defenders and rebounders.

The Avengers have been one of the top teams since they have been in the league, but have had problems pulling away from teams. This season the Avengers are out to crush the league. In their two game they have won by an average margin of 19 points. They have already beaten last seasons defending champs and have shown they have improved their defense (61.5 ppg this season versus 70.5 last season). With the only new Avenger being an Avenger from a few seasons ago I would have to think they are just more aware that they needed to improve their defense rather than a change in personnel. If they keep their defense playing as good as their offense they could be the top team in this league.

I expect this game to be a shootout. With good shooters on both sides it will be up to the defenses of each team to stop the other from getting hot. I give the slight edge to the Avengers as I believe they have the better side of the defensive match-ups.

Avengers by 3

Celtics vs. Greenhorns

What is wrong with the Celtics this season. It used to be the easiest prediction of the week. The only hard part was predicting how much they would win by. This season that has not been the case. Whether it is team chemistry/make up or championship hangover this team needs to find out fast before they are fighting to just get into the playoffs. I know I will catch some heat for that last statement but as they still have a very tough schedule if they don't return to their old form it might be true.

The Greenhorns are much improved but need to shoot much better to win games in this league. Last week they shot 37% from the field and 54% from the free throw line. The good news for the Greenhorns is that the Celtics are giving up 82 ppg but the bad news is that no one guards you at the free throw line.

I have faith in the Celtics to turn this season around and I believe this is the week that it starts.

Celtics by 12

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