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Ultimate Hoops League News
Borin Ngov
4/20/2015  2:11 AM

SCOTTSDALE, AZ: Week 2 Power Rankings | It’s Getting Crowded at the Top

Dylan Armstorng (LOCKDOWN) takes is strong to the hoop against TWISTED STEEL

1. 20 OR BETTER (1-0, LW 1) – There was a lot of unknown going into their first game of the season and the anticipation was high as we had a good crowd to see this team play. Teams will be definitely gunning for them and will look to knock them off their high-horse. They definitely have some weaknesses and will have to learn to play a bit better as a team. Hopefully the first game jitters are gone. All in all, they played well enough to earn the win and to hold on to the top spot, for now.

2. BALL SO HARD (2-0, LW 3) – Last week was a solid test for this team to see how they would fare against one of the other top rank teams in the league. The result – they made the MMFA look average at best. As with every team, they will need all their players to show up, but even with almost half their team missing, this team is fun to watch. With all the talent they do have, they should continue to dominate games each and every week.

3. MIGHTY MORPHIN FLOWER ARRANGERS (1-1, LW 2) – They had a chance to solidify themselves as one of the top dogs in the league last week, but unfortunately fell short. Their offense was as potent as it’s ever been, but they just couldn’t make the stops necessary to close the gap and ended up playing catch-up all game. I expect them to bounce back and regain their winning ways in the next coming weeks.

4. SPLASH BROTHERS (1-0, LW 5) - One of the lessons I learned early on in UHoops was to never bet against Fred Dudley – they guy just wins. As soon as you pick against him, he’ll use that as motivation and make you eat your words. Overall, I think this is a bit low for them and I fully expect them to be one of the top 2-3 teams at seasons end.

5. XOVER (1-1, LW 4) – They played admirably against the newest team in the league especially with all the unknowns going into that game (plus all the hype going into it). However, they just didn’t have the fire power to keep up and fell short. They will still win games, but it looks like they might need to add another piece in order to keep up with the other top tier teams.

6. WE DEM BOYZ (1-1, LW 6) - After a strong showing in week 1, they stumbled a bit last week. They have yet to field a complete squad (Tristan was out week 1; Eli was out week 2) so we have yet to see them at full strength, but their defense still looks off and that will inevitably be their downfall.

7. LOCKDOWN (1-1, LW 9) – I am not going to lie, this team did not impress me during week 1. I thought they would struggle all season to find their groove. However, this team pulled out a solid win and looked a lot better this past week. They got some good guard play and they will be handful every game. Their lack of size will hurt them but as long as they can continue to play fast, they will continue to surprise and pull out those sneaky wins.

8. TIMELIFERS (1-1 LW 10) – Even after losing a few players, their M.O still hasn’t changed and all they do is continue to win. It seems like every game they play is close and comes down to the final minutes. They will never beat teams by 20, but at the same time, they will never lose games by 20. It goes back to how good these guys really are as a team, and how competitive and determined they all are. They lack a true go-to scorer and that may hurt them in the long run.

9. TWISTED STEEL WITH SEX APPEAL (0-2, LW 7) – They looked a lot better this past week but they still put ended up with another disappointing loss - I was surprised they couldn’t pull out the win (they seem to all play together well but just couldn't hit shots down the stretch). With that said, I think they are just finding their groove and with a few more games under their belt, they should be able to pull out a lot of wins going forward.

10. SUPERSONICS (0-2, LW 8) - Even with a brand new group of guys, the SUPERSONICS just can’t seem to get past the TIMELIFERS. I may be way off but since I’ve been here in Scottsdale, they might be something like 0-6 against them. It’s just one of the things I just can’t explain. However, knowing Stuart, Eddie, and Aaron, they do not like losing and will do whatever they can next week to get that first W of the season.

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