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Ultimate Hoops League News
Borin Ngov
2/16/2015  9:18 AM

SCOTTSDALE, AZ: Week 6 Power Rankings | Coming Down to the Wire

Cello Campbell (JAMAICAN HOPSCOTCH) looks to lead his team back to its winning ways.

Week 6 Power Rankings

1. SPLASH BROTHERS (6-0, LW 1) – They got their first true test of the season in the Post-Nick era. In the first half of last week’s game, it looked like they would finally get their first loss - they seemed to press and force a lot of bad passes, but Fred rallied the troops, Roberto messed around and almost got a triple-double, and they just willed their way to a win. This little bit of adversity might be the catalyst that helps them to realize what they need to do to keep their winning ways going.

2. XOVER (4-2, LW 2) – No matter how good Delonn is, he still needs teammates that can play. Fortunately he joined a team that has a championship pedigree – winning is in their blood. They have always been one of the top teams in the league year in and year out. During this 4 game winning streak, they’ve averaged nearly 100 PPG.

3. WE DEM BOYZ (4-2, LW 3) – They almost pulled out the win last week and in my opinion should have won that game. They were playing lights out in the first half and their defense was the best I’ve seen all season. However, the energy was not there in the second half. Regardless, this team showed that they can play and will be a favorite going into the playoffs.

4. JAMAICAN HOPSCOTCH MAFIA (4-2, LW 4) – They pulled out a good win last week and rebounded from the loss nicely This team realized what they needed to do to win and went back to just flat out using their athleticism to beat down their opponents. The addition of Josh Henderson and Deidrick Bork is a huge boost to the team. They’ll need a couple of weeks to assimilate, but these are the players they needed to help them get back to “team” ball.

5. TIMELIFERS (4-2, LW 5) – They have played hard every game regardless of their opponent. When their shots don’t fall, they continue to rely on their grit and strong team play to win games. Next week will be tough matchup and will definitely be the game of the week. Their weaknesses will be accentuated and they will have to bring their A-game to pull out a victory. With that said, I am not one to put it past them to win.

6. TWISTED STEEL WITH SEX APPEAL (1-5, LW 6) – Same story different game. They still have yet to bring their full squad and their game flow reflects this. Shawn Finecey has done a fabulous job carrying the scoring load for this team but it just hasn’t translated into wins. However, this team does still has a chance to make the playoffs and the next week’s game is looking like it’s going to be a battle for the 6th and final spot.

7. SUPERSONICS (1-5, LW 7) – Last week’s game came down to the wire and they nearly pulled out the win. They needed a few more shots to fall but to me the takeaway was that they finally played with the intensity and fire that can make this team dangerous if they make the playoffs. The addition of Stuart Welch should help solidify their rotation and be competitive going forward.

8. SCOTTSDALE FA (0-6, LW 8) – Every year have eager players that want to play in the league and see what it is all about. It’s tough for them to pull out wins when they have never played with their new teammates before. However, what the takeaway should be for them is the exposure they get from playing. The exposure allows them to eventually move on and play on a more established teams down the road (whether it’s this season or next) - that is what the goal should be for these guys. This year we’ve had some good players get scooped up by other teams and next year we expect the same.

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