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Ultimate Hoops League News
Borin Ngov
1/18/2015  4:54 PM

SCOTTSDALE, AZ: Week 2 Power Rankings | Keeping Perspective

Justin Chambers (Jamaican Hopscotch Mafia) looks to lift his team back to the title game.

We’re entering the third full week of 2015. Whether you created a long, detailed list of resolutions and goals for the year or you’re letting whatever may be to be, it’s time to take a long hard look at how things are going and quite possibly fine tune things to ensure a successful season. Teams are playing their hearts out and this is a long season - anything is bound to happen the next six weeks but you’ve got to be proactive or you are going to find yourself on the bottom of this list.

Week 2 Power Rankings

1. SPLASH BROTHERS (2-0, LW 1) – Nick Tomsick asked me after their win last week if I see them losing this year. I told him that if he gets everybody to the games, I don’t think they should lose to anybody – only they can get in their own way. To my surprise, the Roberto/Calvin dynamic has worked better than I thought (refresher: they got into a pretty heated argument last season and nearly came to blows).

2. TIMELIFERS (2-0, LW 2) – They have great chemistry and continue to just play sound ball. Their play seems to frustrate their opponents into bad shots and this plays right into the strength of this team. No matter the score or the scenario, they just continue to win and quite impressively I might add.

3. JAMAICAN HOPSCOTCH MAFIA (1-1, LW 3) – Came back with vengeance this week as they put a 130 spot against an undermanned TWISTED STEEL. Everyone put up some impressive scores across the board but this is what should be expected from this team every night. They are offensively gifted as anyone in the league and when they get into a groove, it’s going to be hard to stop.

4. WE DEM BOYZ (2-0, LW 5) – They did get more of their players to show up and this past week showed how dangerous they could be at full strength. However, they did play an inferior opponent in the FA team so not ready to give them a ton of credit, but I’m excited to see how much damage they can inflict on the rest of the league. I hate to look too far down the road, but in my opinion, they have the best chance to upset the top seeded SPLASH BROTHER when they play week 6.

5. SUPERSONICS (1-1, LW 4) – As soon as I start raving about them, they come out flat the following week. Is this the start of the Borin curse version 2.0? They were missing Max Sutton, one of their veteran players (and very underrated I might add), and it looked like they were just a bit off without him there. It just seems as though they’ve got a team that they just can’t seem to beat in the TIMELIFERS so this might just be a one-time anomaly.

6. TWISTED STEEL WITH SEX APPEAL (0-2, LW 6) – This team has yet to show a full squad for a game. If they continue to struggle to get players to show up, the wins will be few and far between. So far, their record shows it. I said that they need to find a consistent 2nd and 3rd if they expect to pull out wins in this league, but they may just need to concentrate on finding their 6th and 7th players to just show up for games.

7. XOVER (0-2, LW 7) – Another tough loss for them but this one may have stung a bit deeper as they lost to a familiar face in Fred. They still move the ball well and have found a gem in Delonn Stevenson but what is missing is another scorer/shooter. Tim Harris provides some much needed perimeter shooting, but too often in last week’s game, there was an open shot to be had, but no one to take them. Rumor of the week - There’s rumbling around the league that Brandon Walker may be able to suit up for them this season.

8. SCOTTSDALE FA (0-2, LW 8) – Some of their games are hard to watch. Most of the time it looks sloppy with a lot of bad passes, players out of position, and forced shots. It’s nothing personal against these guys – I more than anybody want these guys to win so that they enjoy this league and play every season - it’s just you can see there is no chemistry and they just don’t know how to play together. Positive takeaway: Stuart Welch - GMs take notice, the boy can play gentlemen and he’d be a pretty nice addition to your team, trust me.

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