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Ultimate Hoops League News
Borin Ngov
12/7/2014  6:52 PM

SCOTTSDALE, AZ: MVP Voting | Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Will Justin Chambers (FBRD) lead his team to a championship and add the tile of MVP in the process?

The playoffs are in full swing and throughout the season we have players that have brought it night in and night out. We have a great talent pool to choose from this year and it was hard narrowing it down to these three, but in the end, we deemed that these three spectacular players are on a different level.

1. Justin Chambers (45.3 PRA, 36.5 PPR) - FIRE BREATHING RUBBER DUCKIES
Justin Chambers is truly one of the best scorers (31.5 PPG) we have in our league. He plays with a sense of calm and is one of the smoothest players I’ve had the pleasure to watch. While every team had to worry about slowing him down, his teammates stepped up and fed off the energy he provided. He is so efficient and once he gets in the lane, his length makes it so hard for teams to stop him. He brings athleticism that is unmatched in this league and that swagger has helped make the FBRD the favorites to win the ‘chip this year.

2. Danny Dziezic (34.0 PRA, 21.7 PPR) – TIMELIFERS
Danny was the undisputed leader of the team and one of the best pure shooters in the league. The TIMELIFERS played very well last year as a team, but you could tell they were missing something. Danny brought in his strong point guard play to this team this year and the difference showed. The offense started with Danny and he led the team putting up 32.9 PPG. His strength is his ability to drain three’s from all over the court. The team’s season ended in a disappointing first round exit, but if this team can add a big in the off season, we might be talking about Danny leading the TIMELIFERS to a championship next year.

3. Fred Dudley (38.6 PRA, 21.2 PPR) – XOVER
You can’t have a MVP conversation without having this guy in the mix. You know his credentials and know that he is one of the best scorers hands down - nothing else can be said about him that hasn’t been said before. The thing that makes him a perennial MVP candidate is the leadership he brings. He takes this team on his shoulders and knows that he needs to score for this team to win - he can’t have an off day. This puts the pressure on the other teams to try and stop him and makes XOVERS such a dangerous team. Just like last year, this team had their hiccups in the middle of the season, but come playoff time, they just come together and just win. In my opinion, this is because Fred won’t let them lose.

You’ve got the candidates, now it’s up YOU to decide who walks away as our MVP. Vote for who you think is the most deserving HERE.

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All Star Reserves will be announced tomorrow!

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