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Ultimate Hoops League News
Borin Ngov
11/23/2014  12:46 AM

SCOTTSDALE, AZ: Week 7 Power Rankings | Deja Vu All Over Again

Can Chris Fisher and XOVER repeat history and make another impressive playoff run to the championship?

We’ve made it through the first seven weeks of the season and things are just as competitive as ever before. Last week was very interesting as we had a game called early due to let’s just say a strong disagreement against foes - voices were raised, threats were made, but in the end, cooler heads prevailed and we were able to come out of it unscathed.

Nonetheless, I fully expect the competitive juices to flow just as strong this week because no one likes to lose and I don’t see anyone backing down.

Week 7 Power Rankings

1. FIRE BREATHING RUBBER DUCKIES (6-1, LW 1) They rebound from their only loss the season last week nicely with a solid win. They were short-handed but were still able to display the athleticism we all expected to see. It’s that aspect of their game that puts them a notch above all the other teams. They are my still my pick to come out of the Scottsdale region and play for the championship.

2. TIMELIFERS (6-1, LW 3) They took down a short-handed XOVER team but discount it as a fluke –all they do is win, and pretty convincingly I might add. I even think I underestimate this team given how well they play together. They have a knack of finding the open man and just creating easy shots for each other. In my opinion, great team play trumps great individual play and this team exemplifies that notion more so than other team in the league.

3. XOVER (4-3, LW 2) Déjà vu all over again? Last season, this team had high expectations but stumbled a bit going into the playoffs. I didn’t expect much after a poor showing in the regular season, but team captain Chris Fisher rallied the troops and his team responded. History might repeat itself, but this time I won’t make the same mistake and be so quick to count this team out.

4. SUPERSONICS (3-4, LW 6) The hottest team in the league as they’ve now won three straight and look pretty damn good doing so. They are finally clicking on all cylinders. I put this team as my top three in terms of talent and they might be the dark horse team that comes out of the Scottsdale region.

5. WE DEM BOYZ (3-4, LW 4) They continue to play short-handed and had a bit of a slide as a result. This just proves that you just can’t come in and play at half strength and expect to win. However, IF they can get their full squad back in time for the playoffs, I expect them to make some noise come playoff time. If they can’t all come together, it may just be a one-and-done playoffs for this once promising team.

6. SCOTTSDALE FA (3-4, LW 5) They can no longer sneak up on teams and surprise them with their strong play. After a few weeks, teams have started to figure this team out. They will struggle on defense, but I still think this team will be a hard out when playoffs start and they will be undoubtedly fun to root for.

7. PHX BALLAS (3-4, LW 7) They have put together a nice little two-game win streak together and can potentially jump into one of the top four spots in the league with a win next week. Eli Davis has established himself as their main go-to scorer and Chris Natale has finally found his shooting touch. If they can continue playing strong defense, they have the potential to upset a lot of the higher seeded teams in the league.

8. DOG GOES WOOF, CAT GOES MEOW (0-7, LW 8) The struggles continue with this team. If you look at the stats, they have players than can put up some good numbers. But like I’ve said before, good teams trump good players any day. The only upside of the season – they are automatically eligible for the playoffs. The downside – they will have to play a strong #1 seed from the Tempe region. Maybe the element of surprise will be on their side as they head into the playoffs, but that might just be wishful thinking.

Sadly, this will be the last power rankings for the Fall Season, but fret not - An All Star Article with your chance to vote in players will be ready for next week! (you can't get rid of me that easily)

Playoff Bracket has been posted under Tempe Schedule. Please plan accordingly.

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Check out the last Hot Seat interview of the season as we interview with sharp shooter Jesse Higgins.

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