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Ultimate Hoops League News
Kevin Minich
11/18/2014  10:20 AM

DALLAS, TX: Scoregasms Ranked #1 in the Nation | The Most Deceptive Team Ever

David Douglas

Every time a team sees Scoregasms warm up I hear, “Finally a team we can beat!” And I understand where they are coming from. They don’t look like a team that can destroy other teams let alone rank #1 in the nation in the Open Division!

This team has been playing in the Dallas Athletic League for about 3 seasons now always failing to move past the quarter or semi-finals and still without a banner to hang. This season is looking a lot different! I have yet to find a team, this season, that I can for sure say can beat Scoregasms. The closest I can find is Rim Reapers, simply because they have four guys 6’ 4” or taller, including Joe Mond who is stands 6’ 6” weighing in at 235lbs. Rim Reapers are by far the biggest team in the league. And if Scoregasms have any weakness, it would be height and size. But what they lack in size they make up for in their ability to jump out of the gym and hustle for rebounds.

Scoregasms thrive off of their ability to fast-break, out run, and out hustle every team they play. This is where Rim Reapers will have trouble. With only a 6 man roster and each week only 5 being able to show up, Rim Reapers fall to fatigue.

Breaking down the Scoregasms, we have a conglomeration of talent. Starting off we have team captain and manager Staton Standridge and his brother Riley. Staton makes sure things are in order, the ball moves around the court fast, and always hits his open 3 pointers. Riley compliments his style with extra help on the wing and stellar defense.

Tom Hatch is a sneaky player focusing ZERO of his time on rebounding and 100% of his time fast-breaking down the court for easy buckets. And he doesn’t cut to the hoop for a layup…he’ll chill in the corner ready to launch the 3-ball. In their victory over Full Court Ghost Trap, 106-64, Hatch dropped 6 3-pointers and ended the game with 32 points and a PPR of 35.4. It was an awesome performance from Hatch and possibly his best game ever.

Next we have rebound extraordinaire Austin Smith! He may not be big, but he knows how to slip through the cracks, box out, and snag rebounds either for an easy bucket or to dish it back out for a 3-pointer.

Anson Bartlett is quite the rebounder as well, but focuses on the offensive boards. He’ll fly through the air out of nowhere and snag a board from an unsuspecting post player for an easy put-back. In addition to his hustle and rebounds, Anson may have some of the smoothest handles I have ever seen. Watching him dribble is like listening to music. If he wants to find a gap between his defender and the hoop, he will do it. It’s a dance that I have only seen performed by one other player in the region: Mike Malat. You can’t help but be in awe watching him toy with his defender.

Height and air = Jeremy Dennis. He may not have bulk, but this guy will jump over you to get a rebound then pop out for a 3-pointer. His threat from the 3-point line coupled with his skill in the paint makes him a very dangerous player. You have to put a good defender on Jeremy if you want to try and stop both the 3-pointer and the drive.

Harris Brett defines roll player! When he is in he contributes to the team as most players underestimate his ability to snag rebounds for easy put-backs. He takes pressure off of the high scoring players so that they can get every player involved. Don’t let Harris fool you…he’ll end up with a double-double and you won’t know how.

David Douglas…what can I say. I have a hard time finding anyone in the league that can guard him…legally. I hear a lot of “I want to guard #4. I’ll stop him.” I watch these players out on the court to realize their defense style is that of holding the arms of their opponent so as not to let them burn by for a lay-up. This style of defense won’t work with David, as he is a solid mass of muscle that won’t be held back by lazy defense.

Mix his ability to barrel through any defense with the finesse of a seasoned basketball player and you get one of the best, most athletic players in the Dallas Athletic league. David is an all-around athlete. What’s amazing is basketball isn’t even his sport! David Douglas preciously played as a wide receiver for the New York Giants. He was added to the team last season and continues to be an amazing asset to the team.

There is talk of Scoregasms bringing their talent to the Plano league. I asked some Plano players about how they would perform in the league and their response was, “they will compete, but with a larger court and teams with post players standing 6’ 9” they won’t get far.” Skeptics say they will be dominated on the boards and their fast-break offense won’t be as effective on a full size court. With the addition of at least one solid post player, I feel Scoregasms will do very well in the Plano league. We’ll see come Winter Season 2015!

Article By:
Kevin Minich
Regional Coordinator – Dallas, Central Texas, and Tulsa

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