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Ultimate Hoops League News
Borin Ngov
11/15/2014  7:56 PM

SCOTTSDALE, AZ: Week 6 Power Rankings | No Rest for the Weary

Kyle Hansen (SuperSonics) is a key to the SuperSonics late season resurgence.

Though we’re only through six weeks, teams are getting antsy and looking ahead to the playoffs. Some teams are gelling together and playing at a good rhythm. The next couple of weeks will determine a lot because, as you know, the top four get home court advantage, while the bottom four will have to travel to Tempe.

Week 6 Power Rankings

1. FIRE BREATHING RUBBER DUCKIES (5-1, LW 1) They come off their first loss of the season. Teams know that they can’t compete physically, so they look to shoot lights out from deep. Did the Supersonics reveal the recipe to beat them? Other teams may want to take notice and see if they can duplicate the effort - - that might be the only way to beat this team.

2. XOVER (4-2, LW 2) Their offense is as potent as always, but has their defense let them down? They gave up a ton of points to the free agent team as their defense looked slow in their rotation to the weak side. The Scottsdale FA team was able to hit a ton of wide open corner threes. Not having Randy Bronner in the lineup was a big factor in the loss but not an excuse.

3. TIMELIFERS (5-1, LW 4) These guys play so well together. I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again, they are not flashy but they just get things done. As long as they keep playing their game, they are a lock to be a top 4 team, and with home court advantage, make it pretty far in the playoffs.

4. WE DEM BOYZ (3-3, LW 3) Chalk the latest loss to not having a full lineup. But that’s the thing - they don’t have a deep squad. Tristan Boone has done an admirable job shouldering the load, but they play much better when all their players show up. Missing players the last few weeks have hurt them in the standings and may cost them a top four seed. Dave Delnero has been out with an injured ankle and they need him at full strength come playoff time.

5. SCOTTSDALE FA (3-3, LW 5) This is becoming one of my favorite teams to root for. They epitomize the overachieving underdog. They have the most unassuming player in the league with Jesse Higgins, but man can he shoot. Ryan Rodgers is a quick, crafty point guard that fits this team perfectly.

6. SUPERSONICS (2-4, LW 7) They’ve won two in a row and have played with the energy we all expected. This team looks like they are getting it and with their talent, will be a tough matchup for anybody. They will most likely have to travel to Tempe for the first round, but I wouldn’t put it past them to pull out an upset victory over a higher seeded Tempe team.

7. PHX BALLAS (2-4, LW 6) They got a good second win on the season, but we’ll need to temper the excitement because it was against a winless team. However this was a win nevertheless and this may help propel them into a good win streak going into the playoffs.

8. DOG GOES WOOF, CAT GOES MEOW (0-6, LW 8) Not sure what I can say about this team. On paper, they’ve got some nice talent and I think on any other team, they would all be big contributors. ON this team however, they just look uncomfortable playing with each other and just don’t look like a team that wants to play.

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