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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Jovan Wright
10/17/2014  12:24 PM

TEMPE, AZ: Week 2 Power Rankings | Hot Seat with "Clock In"

Is there a bigger or better trash talker in UHoops than Clock In???

Week 2 Power Rankings

1. Splash Brothers – The “Big Two” is taking over! With Nick and Fred along with the great role players they have, this team with their veteran play has shown how they can destroy a team’s confidence. I have never seen a shooting clinic in this league like the one they put on Tuesday, shooting 59% overall as a team and scoring 117 point in 44 minutes. The true test for this team will be against Tron 55 in next week’s match up at 8 pm Tuesday. I’ll have to take Splash Brothers by 8 in a hard fought game.

2. Tron 55- This Big Three has the most experience between the 3 than any team in the league. However will the experience be enough to beat a fast paced shooting team like the Splash Brother’s? Averaging 97 points a game, shooting 66%, and 15 assists this team looks like they’re clicking on all cylinders. We’ll see Tuesday night!

3. Gameover- Will this win streak stay alive through the season? Their team play comes so easy offensively and defensively that they couldn’t lose playing the way they are. Shooting 47% from beyond the arc and 57% from the field proves it. I see them winning a hard fought game vs Brad Carrol and company by 6.

4. Cali Boyz – They are Alive and wide eyed as they keep playing with this chip on their shoulder. I believe we have created a rivalry between Cali Boyz and the Monstars. My question is; did the Monstars give them that game or did the Boyz take it? This is a thirsty defensive team keeping their opponents to 47 points a game striving to prove they are the best in the league.

5. Bulls- Coming back from a devastating loss last week with a win against Brad Carrol this week has told the league they aren’t going anywhere. With some momentum going into week 3 we should see the Bulls play even better and work on their chemistry, they will have a strong game come week 4. Bulls take it by 19 vs ball out.

6. Ball Out- Was a great team with a star point guard that I believe will not be coming back, has made them a good team in this league now. Losing this week by almost 70 points has shown their true colors against a great team. It will be interesting to see how they play in the coming weeks to see how they can still be competitive.

7. Brad Carrol- C’mon Man! If this team can just get in rhythm their 0-2 record would be a 2-0 record. The chemistry isn’t there along with the inconsistency of their play. I can’t say they are overrated yet because based on their personnel, we can all see what Brad and company can be. Get it together and get a win Brad!

8. Monstars- The chemistry is getting better, as they added a few players and the same hard fought mentality Mike and Kenny have. Although they just haven’t made it over the hump in the last 2 weeks. If they can shoot a bit better percentage I believe it would get them wins in the weeks to come.

9. Jayhawks- The Hawks have a great future with great talent and all the right tools to get the job done. As their play as a team gets better each week we can see the wins coming towards the middle of the season. Not shooting very well from the field has also put them short in each game to be close enough to grab a win towards the end of games.

10. Whos Next – The struggle is real! If they had a team like last season they probably would be okay but they don’t. This team fights and doesn’t stop pushing but they are just missing key position players to get wins in this league.

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Hot Seat with "Clock In"

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