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Ultimate Hoops League News
Jovan Wright
7/11/2014  9:07 PM

TEMPE, AZ: Week 1 Power Rankings | Splash Brothers the New #1

Richard Azevedo and the Splash Brothers have taken over the #1 spot

The Bulls couldn’t find a way to counter Nick Tomsick’s 44 points and the rest of the Splash Brothers last night. They are now the team to beat making a big splash in Tempe to beat the defending champs the first week and it earns them the top rank!

Week 1 Power Rankings

1. SPLASH BROTHERS: Coming out playing hard week 1 to get the win against a great team like the Bulls, will give them much needed momentum to take on their next opponent. If their chemistry can grow each week, dangerous will define this team on the weeks to come.

2. BULLS: Even with the tragic loss this week they still have champion blood in them and will be back next week ready to go. Tyler Labrum will need to show up to make an inside presence they don’t have. And if Mark Hanoosh can play some minutes it will be a huge plus for their team and probably produce them a win next week.

3. WHOS NEXT: Being able to put up 107 points against any team means something. It means this team can score. Their next opponent will need to slow them down and put them in the half court to have any chance against their length and speed. Will be looking forward to seeing the point guard match up with Waylen Towns again Nick Tomsick, 2 of the most explosive guards in the league.

4. HASHTAG: As they get their chemistry in check and move the ball, if Joe Hormes can be a leader for his team like I know he can, this league will have a team on the come up. I can see them doing some damage this season with their shooting ability and athleticism they have.

5. BADGUYS: A team that has came together from free agent teams last year, has shown what they can do when they have 5 guys together that know how to play. Watch to see who they compete with and who they can beat this year once they get some chemistry!

6. DOWNTOWN: Do we have a “Big 3” in Tempe? Gerald Williams, Travis Woodard, and Omar Waller will be their core; consequently they will have to play well every Tuesday night to shine the lights on at all this season. Watch out cause they had a great win vs the Monstars and didn’t even play to their full potential.

7. WOLVES: This team has size and speed, so stayed posted on their progress this season to see what damage they can do.

8. MONSTARS: Even though they don’t have the team they did last season, their stars are still playing well. Kenny and Fran will need to have twenty plus a game to have a shot of making some noise this season as they did in the last.

9. TEMPE FA: As free agents all we can ask for is hard work and determination. With no chemistry and team like effort it will be a struggle all season to get a win. All I would say to our free agents, is have fun and get picked up on a team next season!

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