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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Alan Arlt
3/29/2011  12:14 PM

A Midwest Regional Tourney Thank You from UH Founder Alan Arlt

When we started Ultimate Hoops nearly five years ago, one of our goals was to build a company so unique, fun and professional that players would travel from out-of-state to participate in one of our events.

This past weekend that goal was realized when the majority of top Ultimate Hoops league teams from Nebraska, Chicago, and Detroit traveled to Minneapolis to participate in our first Midwest Regional Tournament.

For myself, this weekend’s tournament was a dream come true- much more than just an accomplished goal on a business plan.

It was personal. It was emotional.

To see our company that started in a tiny, unheated, attic office in a Minneapolis duplex now connecting with so people outside of Minneapolis was a special moment.

I’ve been told that one of my many weaknesses is not being able to appreciate the moment, that I’m always restless and constantly looking ahead to how we can improve and build the UH brand. But I’m working on it.

So, in a moment of personal growth, I hope you’ll allow me to hit the pause button and publicly thank a few people for making this dream weekend a reality.

- To the Ultimate Hoops out-of-state players and fans who traveled to Minneapolis this weekend. Your participation in the tournament means more to me than I can express. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

- To all the Ultimate Hoops Minnesota players who participated in the tournament or were in attendance cheering. Thank you for being gracious hosts to your UH brethren from out-of-state. You set the bar for other host regions to follow going forward.

- To all our Ultimate Hoops League Coordinators Mike Harrington, Mario Jez, Pat Keller, Jimmy Neilly, T.J. Rickert, Kathryn Svoboda and Chad Wessels. Your enthusiastic, passionate work this weekend was inspiring and you were a joy to be around and share laughs with.

- To the entire Target Center Life Time Fitness staff who were their usual gracious hosts and tireless supporters of UH.

- To the crazy talented volunteer UH Media team of Joe Neuenfeldt, Isaac Vogel, and Danny Simmer who worked on nothing more than love for Ultimate Hoops this weekend. Your passion for the UH brand is what makes it special.

- To our fantastic tournament partners Muscle Milk and Life Clinic. Your presence and engagement with the our players and fans made the tourney special.

[releasing pause button now]

So what’s next? Let's start with more Regional Tournaments. There was initial talk this weekend of having another Midwest Regional Tourney in Chicago this Summer. We will also be working on bringing a South Regional and East Regional Tournament to a reality in late 2011- all with the ultimate goal to having a National Ultimate Hoops Tournament in Las Vegas in late 2012 or early 2013. More details to be worked on and announced soon.

Until then, we hope everyone continues to enjoy and participate in our Ultimate Hoops Leagues across the country. Spring Season 2011- set to tip-off in April- promises to be our biggest season in company history.

Finally, I want to hear from you. Please let me know how I can 1) improve your UH experience, 2) tell me what we’re doing wrong or right and/or 3) just say hi.

Feel free to contact me 24/7 though any of these channels: Email | Twitter | Facebook

With Warm Regards,
Alan Arlt
Ultimate Hoops Founder

BONUS: The video below is for Pat Keller who seemed to be the only one who appreciated Tears For Fears and my love for 80s music that played throughout the tournament this weekend.

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