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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
J.D. Hunter
3/11/2011  9:21 AM

TEXAS: Competion fierce in Austin's first Ultimate Hoops season

from Austin North League Coordinator

The North Austin Ultimate Hoops League at the North Austin club is getting very interesting. Wednesday night's games all were very exciting with outstanding efforts by all the players, both winners and those whose teams lost.

Perhaps the most exciting game had the Bulls beating the undefeated Spurs 78-61.

With former Concordia star Daniel Oliveria leading the way with 27 points and Cody Lingo adding another 22 and completely dominating the boards.

Coach Reggie Rouzan, a former U of Florida star in the 90's and now the assistant coach of the NBA Toros, played a key supporting role with his ball handling, slick moves and 11 assists as da Bulls made it 3 wins in a row. Rouzan's play last night ought to put D Rose on notice!

The Spurs put up a significant fight going down in defeat with Dan O'Mera pumping in 17 points supported by Hunt Hellums and former Texas A&M standout Ryan Vanalstine putting in 10 points each.

The Spurs defeat puts the league in a three way tie for first place heading into the second half of the season. Other standouts in Wednesday's games were Braxton Sharpe, Justin Jackson and Remmy Castillo. Brandon (Benez) Nsokpong scored a league high 39 points, with an over 60% three point shooting spree as well as 7 steals to lead his team to victory.

Ben Lobaza, led the Cavs to their first win of the season with his own three point shooting excellence, along with help from his teammates. Especially Steve McCann who after a virtual game ending fall in the first half, shook it off to assist the Cavs in their first season win. Many others players stepped up their games to make last night Ultimate Hoops games the best of the season.

With no games next week, allowing many of the players to have some family R&R during spring break, Austin North will then begin the second half of their season. If last night's games were any indication of what's ahead, the second half down here in Austin should be a very competitive and fun second half. Well worth a trip down to watch, workout and listen to some live music.

A special thanks to our two refs, who never get in the box score or get any glory, but have the hardest jobs in supporting the league. On any given night players go home remembering their calls. Some believe they were okay while others go home shaking their heads at all the bad calls that they believe cost them their wins. They are the true warriors who must make those instantaneous decisions knowing that a player who makes a bad decision during a game is forgotten, but their decisions live on for days and in e-mails. Thanks guys!

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