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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Leonard Frank
6/7/2013  3:19 PM

MANSFIELD, TX: An Extra Ref Changes The Game

Vets and Texas Heat scuffle for loose ball

Last week in the semi-finals we saw the entire dynamics of the game go down a different direction, as we did something that hasn't been done before, or at least to our knowledge hasn't been done here at Mansfield. It happened to be very effective, and it seemed to change the very way that the players played the game altogether.

What we did was simple, yet it was an absolute game-changer: Instead of having 2 referees officiating the games, we had 3 referees officiate. It is quite amazing what an extra set of eyes can do to a basketball game!

For one, there was far less complaining and bickering from the players (we won't mention any names), and the games ran a whole lot smoother than what we're used to seeing. Also, it seemed to make the players more defensive-conscious or defensive-minded and very aware of their fouls and team fouls. Most importantly, it made the players focus more on the game, and not on complaining to the refs. Remember all of those high scores we were used to seeing? Let's take a look at last week's match ups.

The Veterans are averaging 83.4 points per game, but last week barely slipped by the hungry Texas Heat 60-54. Redeem Team is well known for putting up big numbers on the scoreboard, but against newcomers The SQUAD, the battle ended 57-47 in favor of Redeem Team.

Compared to the regular season and the past seasons, these are LOW scoring numbers, and relatively close games! How do you think this system will impact the finals? Will we see similar outcomes, or was this just a fluke? Which team can handle it? Leave your comments below!

Leonard Frank
Ultimate Hoops Coordinator at Mansfield


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