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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Kevin Minich
3/12/2013  12:26 PM

DALLAS, TX: Brain Levey Goes Hill-Billy | Major Loss for Left 4 Dead

No teeth, no problem.

Who needs front teeth? All that matters is a 3-point shot that goes in...which is exactly what Brian Levey has right now. Slurred speech, yes, hill-billy style, yes, trouble drinking from a straw, yes, trouble sayingthe the word 'yes'...yes! BUT, Brian still has game when out on the court.

UNFORTUNATLEY...for both Brian and Left 4 Dead, he will be out 2-4 months due to surgery, because missing his front teeth is something he would rather not live with for the rest of his life.

So, what's going to happen to Left 4 Dead next season? Because it HAS been confirmed, Left 4 Dead is coming back for Spring Season. I mean, they got team jerseys, how could they not? Well, Brian gone is definitely a loss, but they have some big pickups that were finalized today.

Pickup number 1: Armani Blackmon, 6'4", 210lbs worth $20.1M. Yes ladies and gentlemen, that's right. Armani Blackmon, former Left 4 Dead player, is coming back to further advance the success of Left 4 Dead. Armani has it all - strength, speed, endurance, a shot, rebounds like no one else in the league, and a competitive nature. He will be a great addition to the team.

Pickup number 2: Scott Weaver, 6'7" 190lbs, worth $16.7M. Scott is the Dirk Nowitzki of Ultimate Hoops. Yes he is a big man, but what does he do best? He hits that 3-ball and can drive to the lane and always get fouled. Last game I played against him he did the one-footed shot, 3-pointer, it went up and before the shot went in he said "Yatzi!" turned around and went back to play defense. Definitley a good pickup for Left 4 Dead.

Will Brian be coming back? Most definitley YES. His words: "Got the new Kobes waiting for me." With Brian back this team only gets bigger.

Want to compete against Left 4 Dead this Spring Season? SIGNUP ONLINE HERE.

Want to play in Vegas? CATCH ALL THE DETAILS HERE.

Kevin Minich
Ultimate Hoops Regional Coordinator

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