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Ultimate Hoops League News
Leonard Frank
6/14/2013  5:08 PM

MANSFIELD, TX: Redeem Team Brings It Home, No Subs | Summer Season Signups

Redeem Team during the championship game

In the past few seasons here at Mansfield, we have seen players come and go. We've seen players switch teams, players quit, and players that seemed to disappear into thin air. When you think of a real team you think of a team's talent and athleticism, but more deeply a team's cohesiveness, dedication, and loyalty to their fellow teammates. This week's championship game proved that Redeem Team shines in every category.

After fellow guard and founder Shae Chaney decided to part ways with his teammates, Redeem Team was faced with the tough task of finding a replacement, FAST, as they only had 5 on the roster. Former Texas Heat guard Carlton Tatum decided to run with the team, but could not make many games due to work-realted issues.

Some call it luck, but many may call it fate when they picked up young phenom Chase Norman. Norman has been quite impressive this season averaging 15.4 points, almost 4 rebounds, and 1.3 assists per game including an oustanding 29 points against the Veterans in week 6 of the regular season. Not to mention the kid is quick, long, packs an envious vertical leap, and plays beastly defense.

Being the 2nd seed, Redeem Team was forced to play back-to-back with an 83-63 win against Lunch Ballers, for the championship against arch rivals the Vets, who had defeated top seed UHoopaz by just 1 point. Not only did Redeem Team have just 5 players, but had to play 2 games in a row against a fresh Vets team who had the privelege of resting for an entire game afer their win.

I suppose that when you have that drive to win, fatigue just isn't an option. They looked even more fresh for the championship game against the Vets than their previous game. Cameron Barnes, who put up 22 points against the Lunch Ballers just the game before, put up 33 points against the Vets, and guard Chauncey Lusk added 20 points and 3 steals, having 15 points against the Ballers.

Throughout the season, Redeem Team PF Elton Baptiste often stated that "We will win this season, without a doubt, you'll see". Will they heat it up again this summer? Congratulations guys and good luck to you in the future!

Summer Season Signups

Leonard Frank
Ultimate Hoops Coordinator at Mansfield


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