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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
J.D. Hunter
2/22/2011  8:40 AM

TALKING POINTS: Are Super Ultimate Hoops Teams Bad For The League? | Melo traded to NY

The defending champion Celtics have been destroying the competition this season

Lake Lillian, MN- With the big NBA trade of Carmelo Anthony to the Knicks to team up with Amare Stoudemire, the trend of NBA players forming Super Teams is continuing.

Will any other NBA teams soon be able to compete with the big market teams of Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and Boston? Is this trend bad for the NBA? Will small market teams lose their relevance in the league?

With this hot topic in the NBA we felt it was appropriate to turn the lens to Ultimate Hoops and ask the same question: Are Super UH Teams good or bad for the league?

The most obvious case is the Celtics Super Team in the Fridley Ultimate Hoops League in Minnesota.

The Celtics are the reigning Recreational Champions in Minnesota and this season they have been destroying their competition so far. Their final scores read right out of rookie-level settings on NBA Jam: 90-67, 79-65, 109-56, 102-59.

The Celtics boast the top backcourt in the Recreational nation with multiple MVP winner Marcus Marshall and Noe Mendez. They also have a top front court with former MVP winner Justin Samuelson and his 6'4" talented mate Justin Pederson.

If you are the Celtics Player/GM Jonathon Moore and the franchise fans you are loving this trend. The UH Media follows you everywhere and your merchandise sales and sponsorship deals are through the roof.

But what about franchises like Secret Agents (0-4), Greenhorns (1-4), Fortress (1-4) and SOTA (1-4)? Do they feel they'll ever be able to compete with the Celtics? Will they ever be able to put together an attractive package to lure a talent like Marshall or Michael Bryne to their franchise?

Are their seasons over before they start?

This topic was not raised in the Minnesota's first Player's Committee meeting held on Feb. 13. Are the players concerned with this trend? Or do they like the challenge the Celtics and other Super UH teams present?

Our #TalkingPoint for today.

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