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Ultimate Hoops League News
Tim Allen
2/28/2012  7:31 PM

BLOOMINGTON SOUTH, MN: Will Bloomington's Elite Separate Even Farther? Check Hawkins Week 8 Predictions

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5-2 again. This week should be much easier though as the match-ups are not all that even this week, and I have a chance to go 8-0.

WatchaMaCallits (F.A.) Vs. Lockdown

This game might have the most threes attempted all time in UH history. With one team shooting 34% and 28% from three there are going to be plenty of rebounds. While the WatchaMaCallits are a better rebounding team I know that Devin Stenstrude will not let a team that has Brandon Laurencot beat him. So I will go away from the stats and say....

Lockdown by 10

Supersonics Vs. Tropics

While the Supersonics were having all sorts of trouble scoring last week the Tropics were busy dropping 139 points on the WatchMaCallits. In this last two week the Tropics have scored 250 points and could have another huge output this week against the Supersonics. If the Supersonics can't find a way to score more effectively this game could get really ugly, really fast.

Tropics by 38

Rebels Vs. Timberpuppies

Normally this would a game that would mean much more for the seeding of the playoffs. These two teams would be fighting for the top spot in Bloomington. This season however the Timberpuppies are struggling and may have lost Micheal Byrne for sometime with a finger injury. The Timberpuppies have been also having problems with turnovers, which you can't afford to have against the Rebel. If they have lost Byrne for this game, which I believe is the case, and they can't solve the turnover problem they should expect a bigger loss then last seasons loss of 66-47.

Rebels by 21

St. Baul Vs. Lakers

The Lakers tough season continues this week when they play St. Baul. They have had one of the toughest schedules in Bloomington South but they don't have the talent to compete with Bloomington's elites. This is will be the case this week again unfortunately. I expect St. Baul to get up early and when they start running this game will be out of reach.

St. Baul by 30

Riddlers Vs. Thunder

These next two weeks will be when we get to see how good the Thunder are. For the most part the Thunder have had a very easy schedule but they will face a test this week when they face off against the Riddlers.

The Thunder are a physical team that likes to push the opponents around and get in their heads a bit, but so are the Riddlers. I feel like the two teams play similar but the Riddlers do it better. But it will still be a lot of fun watching the battling and physical play of these two teams going at it.

Riddlers by 14 (over under on technical fouls at 3.5)

Clem's Kidz Vs. Guerrillas

Clem's Kidz almost pulled off the victory last week. They had the lead with around 1:30 left and just had a couple bad possessions which cost them the game.

This week they will play a more talented team in the Guerrillas, but the Guerrillas might over look them and get surprised a bit. I don't think this will be enough for the upset but it should make for a interesting game at least for awhile.

Guerrillas by 15

Blue Chips Vs. Red Devils

Both team have size and strength, however the Blue Chips are the more talented team by far. The Red Devils have not beat a team that has a winning record this season. They also have trouble with teams that can match them in size. The Blue Chips are a team with a winning record and the size to match or surpass the Red Devils. This does not bode well for the Red Devils. I look for the Blue Chips to start off a bit slow then once they get in a grove they should run away with this game.

Blue Chips by 19

Celtics Vs. Cobra Kai

I know that this is a Fridley game but it will be played in Bloomington this week. There are two interesting things that effect my predictions. One is how many Celtics will make the trip and two is how tired will Cobra Kai be as most of the team has an earlier game this week. I am going to write this prediction assuming that neither of these are an issue.

I can't figure out why the these Celtics are not the Celtics we are used to seeing. I have been trying to watch their games and find what it is. I'm sure they are having the same thoughts. Last season I would have said this game would be a blow out but the Celtics just don't seem to have it in them to do that anymore. If they let this game stay close they could be in trouble.

One thing that will help keep this game close is Dustin Dupont. The games I have seen between him and Marcus Marshall are always fun to watch. Dustin seems to get under Marcus' skin a bit and if he can continue to do this then Cobra Kai will have a good chance in this match up.

I think for once this week im going to go with the upset and say that Cobra Kai plays better defense this week and gets everything rolling.

Cobra Kai by 5

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