Ultimate Hoops is the best recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
National Team Power Rankings
Summer - 2023 - Open Division

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Rank Team Name Club Win% MOV PPG PA Score
1 R&D Ballers #1 Raleigh 24.4 84.0 59.6
2 Washed Crew Columbia 8.3 78.7 70.3
3 #1 Villains Green Valley 12.0 88.2 76.2
4 Living Legends Columbia 7.5 80.5 73.0
5 DMV Ballers Columbia 7.1 84.6 77.4
6 CTE Columbia 2.3 79.5 77.2
7 #5 Jehoven's Witness Bloomington South 6.9 82.4 75.6
8 Heat #2 Raleigh 2.6 80.0 77.4
9 Playmakers Fridley 6.5 106.5 100.0
10 Dog Food Ent. Columbia 8.7 83.0 74.3
11 Str8 Ballin Bloomington South 15.9 85.7 69.9
12 Above The Rim #3 Raleigh 3.1 63.4 60.3
13 #6 Jumpshot Hustlers Fridley 9.4 97.4 88.0
14 #3 Bulls North Fridley 0.6 100.6 100.0
15 Shockers Bloomington South -1.0 76.7 77.7
16 Noon Ballers Bloomington South -1.5 106.3 107.8
17 #5 N3W AG3 Green Valley -8.5 77.3 85.8
18 Akway's Sports Barbershop Fridley -12.3 100.3 112.7
19 The StepperZ #4 Raleigh 9.0 70.7 61.7
20 We Here Columbia -0.1 77.4 77.6
21 Versatility Fridley -0.8 86.1 86.9
22 #3 Flight Vegas Green Valley -1.3 86.0 87.3
23 2M Columbia -10.7 86.8 97.5
24 Playmakers Bloomington South 4.4 93.1 88.7
25 Jolly Jumpers #5 Raleigh -5.9 70.6 76.4
26 Run & Gun Bloomington South -0.3 79.2 79.5
27 The Originals Fridley -2.8 132.0 134.8
28 #6 Hoop Heads Green Valley -17.4 78.6 96.0
29 #12 Killer Beez Fridley -11.0 85.1 96.1
30 Hustle Defined Columbia -13.5 62.0 75.5
31 Bengals #6 Raleigh -2.6 67.0 69.6
32 Cavaliers Bloomington South -14.9 71.6 86.5
33 Free Agents Bloomington South -21.0 83.0 104.0
34 Gritty not Pretty Bloomington South -19.0 67.6 86.6
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Win% = Virtual Win Percentage
MOV = Margin of Victory
PPG = Points per Game
PA = Points Allowed
Select Rankings Report

Power Rankings
The Team Power rankings is a unique Ultimate Hoops calculation to attempt to rank teams on a weekly basis.
The Power Rankings score is comprised of 4 factors:
1. Virtual Win Percentage
  A team's weekly game score is compared against all teams results. A virtual win/loss record and percentage is then computed and added to the formula.
2. Margin of Victory
  A team's weekly margin of victory is ranked against all other teams margin of victory.
3. Points per Game
  A team's weekly points scored is ranked against all other teams PPG.
4. Points Allowed
  A team's points allowed is ranked against all other teams points allowed.