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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Jasmin Williams
1/11/2012  11:39 AM

Winter 2012 Season Is Here!!!

2011 Fall League Champions. Can The New & Re-Loaded Teams Take The Crown???

Winter 2012 Season Is Here!!!
By: Richard Gray

The Winter 2012 season begins this Thursday 1/12/12 at 6:00 PM. The winter season only sees three teams returning from the Fall 2011 season. Three very good teams considering they are the teams that finished first, second, and third in regular season. The best, Downtown have gotten better, landing prized free agent Isreal Figueroa. Isreal scored 150 points in seven games last season. Isreal was also third in the league in rebounds with 102. Isreal was also in the top 5 in blocks and assist. Downtown now has three players who were in the top 10 in scoring, rebounding, blocks and the top three assist men in the league. Most teams end up with players who like to shoot and not pass. Downtown may be pass happy with everyone wanting to get the assist. The game of the night will be the Prime Time game at 9:00 PM. The game will feature the two teams that went 7-1 in regular season last season. Downtown versus Hooligans. Downtown handed the Hooligans their only regular season setback in the fall season. Most experts expected to see Downtown and the Hooligans in the post season championship game. As it turned out, the age and experience of The Classics was too much for The Hooligans in the semi-finals as The Classics prevailed in a classic (no pun intended) game that was not decided until the last second of overtime. Although Downtown is returning pretty much 100% of their scoring and defense along with adding Isreal they are not a shoe in for a repeat championship. Team Cordera comes to play with a lot of size and speed as well as a deep bench which may be the ingredient for dethroning Downtown. Cordera doesn’t have one player on the roster less than six foot and their front line will be 6’3, 6’3, and 6’4. There are also two new free agent teams that bring in a lot of youth and talent that will present problems for a few teams. Then there is the prized free agent that has yet to sign, Corey Brown. I am sure that Corey is being courted by several teams and is weighing his options. Whoever lands Corey will instantly increase their chances of winning a club title in March. Brown was secon in the league in total points playing 10 games losing the scoring title to Brian Smith of Downtown by six points although Brian played one additional game. Brown was also the second leading rebounder in the league last season. Whoever lands Brown is going to have a late Christmas present.

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