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The Ultimate Hoops league is the largest recreational basketball league in the country. Powered by Life Time Fitness, Ultimate Hoops League is a 24/7 oncourt, online, basketball experience. UH offers the best leagues with an interactive statistical website, featuring personal player profiles that turn "Average Joes" into basketball superstars. With the ability to track players stats for their entire career, your basketball career begins and ends with Ultimate Hoops.
Ultimate Hoops League News
Rovonn Russell
4/19/2016  3:26 PM

TORONTO, ON: Week 3 Predictions & MVP Watch | The efficient and consistent

Clive and Rovonn’s Week 3 Predictions

Clive - 4-3
Rovonn - 3-4

Clive’s Predictions

Game 1 Durham Flight vs Jumpmen – Jumpmen
Game 2 The Defaz vs The Soldiers - The Soldiers
Game 3 Red Hawks vs Goodfellas - Goodfellas
Game 4 Tough Juice vs Team Dab – Team Dab


Game 1 Team Havoc vs Renegades – Team havoc
Game 2 Force vs Gains – Force
Game 3 ALLDAY vs Spartans – Spartans

Rovonn’s Predictions

Game 1 Durham Flight vs Jumpmen – Durham Flight
Game 2 The Defaz vs The Soldiers - The Defaz
Game 3 Red Hawks vs Goodfellas - Red Hawks
Game 4 Tough Juice vs Team Dab – Tough Juice


Game 1 Team Havoc vs Renegades – Renegades
Game 2 Force vs Gains – Gains
Game 3 ALLDAY vs Spartans – ALL DAY

Most Valuable Player Watch

1. Jeremy Alleyne
Newly nicknamed Mr.Efficient aka Jeremy Alleyne is currently the most valuable player in Ultimate Hoops Toronto. He showed his skill and strength last week scoring 26 points, 21 rebounds
and 6 assists. With those numbers he helped his team beat one of the best teams in the Mississauga location. UH Toronto's hat goes off to you Jeremy.

2. Justin Wiltshire
Justin Wiltshire shows his effectiveness again this past week, showing an inside and outside game. Going strong to the hole and making the outside jumper when defense clamps down. Scoring 20+ 2 weeks in a row is a statement on it's own. Looks like Justin is out for blood this season.

3. Daniel Deflorimante
This young man shows again and again that size isn't anything. Daniel dropped the most last week with 30 points and 10 rebounds being a small guard. He continually leads his team to victories or a close game. He might be a consistent MVP in our MVP watch this season.

Stay tuned for next week's MVP Watch and predictions and see if coordinators Clive and Rovonn were correct with their predictions. Defensive and Offensive players of the week are announced every other week so stay consistent.

*MVP watch is based on PPR (Player Performance Rating)each week.

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